'On our Homestead we are always preserving food in some way and planning for the unexpected emergencies. You can store meats, vegetables and fruit, but only for a limited amount of time. Dehydration, freezing, and canning, only last a few years at most. Freeze drying is the way to go in preserving your food for the long term, like up to 25 years. There is never a better time to start than now. With all the political turmoil, and civil unrest, food is getting low on the shelves. Growing your own is a great way to compensate; however, you still can\'t eat it all right away. So freezing drying is a way to preserve your harvest for years to come. Plus its extremely versatile in that you can either do complete meals, or individual items like yogurt or other nutritious items. Getting the most from your garden and preserving the harvest is an import part of preserving your food pantry. There are many ways to use freeze dried foods. Alaska can be expensive so we stock up on grocery items and save money when on sale. And by freeze drying and using other methods of food preservation, we not only same money, but stock up for an uncertain future. Powdered yogurt makes a delicious addition to a great hot bowl of oatmeal when on the go. And even as a stand alone treat. The freeze drying makes the yogurt really airy and easily turns to a powder which makes it super light for hiking, hunting, or even camping. We show you how to freeze dry like a pro!'
Tags: Budget , camping , hiking , Years , Homestead , hunting , gardening , fishing , yogurt , freeze dry , save money , prepper , homesteading , emergency , Freeze Dried , cashews , dates , nuts , harvest , food preservation , prepper pantry , emergency food , bug out , white chocolate , savemoney , food pantry , homesteading for beginners , economical , Long term storage , freeze dryer , Harvest Right , rasberry , self-sufficient , mylar bags , emergency prepping , just in case , political mess , Sad times , uncertain future
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